At Newtons, it is our aim to provide a PE curriculum that includes all pupils and encourages them to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. Our pupils participate within PE lessons from Reception age onwards. All pupils are given the opportunity to take part in a wide variety of sports which are listed below. They are able to practise the skills learnt both individually and in group situations, where much emphasis is placed upon co-operation and consideration. As they progress, they are able to participate in high quality sports. Last year, the government again, invested in a grant for schools to use to ensure all children are provided with as many experiences as possible. We strongly believe that our children should be exposed to as many experiences as possible in order to make their own decisions regarding the sports they enjoy and their ability to demonstrate natural talent.
We have a strong partnership with our sports collective and other local schools which enables us to enter local events and competitions to promote PE and a healthy life style to all our children. As well as this, we are fortunate to have a specialist PE teacher who has the knowledge and skills to ensure all children are exposed to a quality PE program and have positive and worthwhile experiences.