For children to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend regularly and it is the duty of our school and parents/carers to make sure that each child is at school, on time, on every day that the school is open - unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.
At Newtons Primary School we are aiming to achieve an attendance target in the range of 96 – 100% to meet National standards.
Helping to create a pattern of regular attendance is everybody’s responsibility – parents, pupils and all members of school staff.
At Newtons we expect its pupils to:
- To attend regularly and on time.
- To be prepared adequately for the school day.
- To comply with the school policies and procedures.
At Newtons we expect our parents/carers to:
- To encourage their children to attend school every day, on time.
- To contact the school on the first day of absence.
- To arrange holidays and medical appointments outside school hours.
- To regularly update emergency contact details.
At Newtons there are several strategies in place to encourage children to attend school every day:
- Weekly class attendance is celebrated in a school assembly for both Key Stage One and Key Stage Two children and a trophy is given to the winning class.
- Several displays celebrate class attendance through the school.
- Attendance winners are shared on the school website and sent to parents/carers in the weekly newsletters.
- Termly rewards are given to children with 100% attendance and they then enter a raffle to win a prize.
- Children who achieve 100% for the whole year celebrate with an additional end of year treat and they then enter a raffle to win a prize.
- Within a year group classes compete against each other to earn a letter for every day that the class attendance is 100% to complete the slogan ‘Everyday Counts!’ The class who completes this first receives a reward.
- Traffic light system: Parent communication is sent out on the following coloured paper.
All pupils whose attendance falls below 90% will be considered for legal monitoring by the Local Authority and a meeting will be held with the Assistant Headteacher of your child’s key stage.
Those pupils who have fallen below 95% are in the Amber Zone. They are automatically monitored by the school.
All pupils whose attendance is 95% or above are part of the green zone. Pupils in this zone are more likely to achieve.
Week ending: 13th December 2024
Whole school attendance this week is 92.3%